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Hy mommies I'm 30 weeks pregnant... My private part is itching bt what...

4 года назад Silindile 13г9м 10г10м 42 Дурбан

Hy mommies I'm 30 weeks pregnant... My private part is itching bt what surprises me is that for the last 2 visits for my ANC I tested negative with urine & the last time I got intimate with baby daddy was September the 7th b4 my Dad passed on so we're still on a mourning process for 6 months so I don't know what wrong.

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Private part itching means you have an infection and it should be treated before delivery or you will most likely pass it on to the baby during delivery. Talk to your doctor about it
Ответить 4 года назад
13г9м 10г10м 42
Victoria , Tnx
Ответить 4 года назад
You have infection. Please, go see ur doctor for proper treatment.
Ответить 4 года назад
4г0м 4г0м 42
Infection madam please the test should be rerun
Ответить 4 года назад
13г10м 7г10м 42
It could also just be hormone related itching, or ph may just be off. Just tell ob and they can explain it.
Ответить 4 года назад
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