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Hi mums.I slept with 2 guys at the same month.1st day of my menses ws ...

3 года назад TK 42 Мидранд

Hi mums.I slept with 2 guys at the same month.1st day of my menses ws 1 january nd last day ws 3.My ovulation period ws frm 8th to 18th of january.I slept with de 1st guy on the 10th nd the 2nd guy on the 29th.Who could be de father according to my story?NO judgement if u dnt hv de answer pls keep quiet.

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The first one coz u were ovulating. But the best way to knw is going for an ultrasound to determine ur due date and by that u will knw the exact day u conceived
Ответить 3 года назад
Lerato Patience
To be sure go to the doctor for ultrasound, then u will be able to know when u conceived by calculating... Or even is u ask the doctor the date u conceived, he/she can answer
Ответить 3 года назад
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