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Can someone be pregnant without any snythom

1 год назад Onyiiedna 42 Оверри

Can someone be pregnant without any snythom

Комментариев Комментариев: 5
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Ответить 1 год назад
Yess everybody is different
Ответить 1 год назад
Sometimes it does, how I wish mine would have happened that way 😔
Ответить 1 год назад
Yes, that's me, im 14 weeks, yet no symptoms, my last ante natal, i have to ask the doctor if the pregnancy is still there, he checked me, and say the baby is fine, body differs
Ответить 1 год назад
Gold , Hi. I'm Marium. A muslim girl. Need your help in this matter. I'm 10 weeks pregnant 🤰 Shukar Alhamdulilah. I don't have any symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea vomiting frequent urination bloating hard breast etc. Not a single symptom. Can you please tell is it okay for my future coming weeks of pregnancy? Is it safe having zero symptoms of pregnancy??? Please answer
Ответить 1 год назад
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